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Kein Geringerer als der „Dark Tenor“ hosted his musical winter journey at an Open Air for the Steingadener Welfenmünster in Rahmen.
Kein Geringerer als der „Dark Tenor“ hosted his musical winter journey at an Open Air for the Steingadener Welfenmünster in Rahmen. © Dark tenor

Kein Geringerer as the singer „The Dark Tenor“ will perform live on 21 December on a stage in front of the Welfenmünster in Steinaden. Zahlreiche Buden, Stände and Foodtrucks ran the Veranstaltung ab.

An unprecedented event was held, while the man in a Steingaden-freuen Darf: Der deutschlandweit bekannte Sänger “The Dark Tenor” power in Rahmen Seiner Winterreise Station in kleine Welfendorf and sung – accompanied by zauberhaften Orchestertönen – on an Open-Air- Bühne because in Steingaden. The background of the Welfenmünster is the impressive Lichterkulisse. Veranstalter Alexander Mößmer spoke about a “Konzert with special Christmas market flair”.

The tenor Billy Andrews was the first to arrive at Mal nach Steingaden. Begleitet von seinem Pianisten und Cellisten am 3D-drukckten Cello, jedes Weihnachtskonzert des heemaligen Kreuzchor- und Operansängers an acoustic experience for Herz and Seele. End is at 6 p.m., start is at 7:30 p.m.

Weihnachts-Open-Air in Steingaden: “The Dark Tenor” sung live at Welfenmünster

A Riesen Spectacle was created, the Steingadener Alexander Mößmer with his small event agentur in Steingadener Weiler Hiebler on his gestellt hat. When I came to the Herzen Steingadens on the day of the 1000th time, I came to a standstill at the age of 29. Schließlich voted will continue throughout the years at other events. On the other hand, the great Faschingsgaudi. “We are using Mal 6000 Besucher.”

The big winter open air with the “Dark Tenor” will be a bigger event. The Concert on the Great Stage for the Welfenmünster. Rundherum Buden with Weihnachtlicher Ware. Dazu Getränke and Essen, the von Foodtrucks are ausgegeben. When it comes to Ambiente, Mößmer will not read any Wünsche offen: “The market place is open to the public.”

For those who are interested, they will be informed. The concert and the atmospheric spirit can be a man with stehtischen with Heizpilzen. “We were warm with warmth,” delivered by the Veranstalter. For the Open-Air and the generation of an Indoor-Event that focuses on the roads of the external Kulisse, the Welfenmünster exists as a Konzert-Background. “The Open-Air-Stage, thanks to the view of the Church Tower, is a beautiful one-off. The guests at the same time are happy to be with you, that is the soul.”

Welfenmünster as under Kulisse

Was the musical component important, so it would be that the music would play freely in an unbridled manner with the “Dark Tenor” on the Marktplatz in Steingaden. There has never been a guest with a fascinating journey of traditional Christmas songs with their classic and original songs. “Whoever has the concert with charm and limited background information,” focuses the art on the fansite itself.

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For Alexander Mößmer, the event is proud of its heritage and special. Der 29 years are in the football world and a Steingadener “Urgewächs” – another man who knows in the welfare village of football and the infamous party hut in the hiebler. “Steingaden lies mir einfach am Herzen”, says that it is free and that it is not the case that Zweifel, that is one of the riesige Christmas parties that Wochenende sicher a nichts fehlen world is.

Tickets For the Veranstaltung-gibt it is all possible in advance and via ticket.mb-eventmanagement.com. The tickets cost 50 euros (standard) and 250 euros (gold).

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